For a world worth living in

The Vaillant Group acknowledges its special responsibility towards the environment, the company’s employees and society as a whole. Sustainability is the foundation of our business activities. The SEEDS sustainability programme is therefore an important part of the overall strategic direction of the Vaillant Group and underpins the company’s sustainability activities.

SEEDS sustainability programme

SEEDS stands for “Sustainability in Environment, Employees, Development & Solutions and Society”. In these four focus fields, the company sets itself concrete, quantifiable targets. In 2020, ten years after its launch, the Vaillant Group relaunched the SEEDS programme.

Vaillant Group
Vaillant Group
Environment: halving CO2 emissions by 2030
Vaillant Group
Vaillant Group

Halving CO2 emissions by 2030 through:

  • reduced energy consumption within production processes and buildings

  • investment in an environmentally friendly vehicle fleet

  • 100% of electricity from renewable energies

  • compensation of the remaining CO2 emissions through certificates and our own afforestation project

Employees: employer of choice 
Vaillant Group
Vaillant Group

  • Diversity and inclusion: equal treatment and appreciation of all colleagues

  • Customised programmes for the further training and development of all employees

  • Preferred internal filling of management vacancies

  • Clear goal in occupational safety: zero accidents at work

Development & Solutions: sustainable, climate-friendly products and service
Vaillant Group
Vaillant Group

  • Leading supplier of environmentally friendly heat pumps

  • 6 green rules - Integration of sustainability criteria in product development

  • Preferred use of recyclable materials in product manufacturing

  • Comprehensive digital services for economical energy consumption

Society: taking on social responsibility 
Vaillant Group
Vaillant Group

Halving CO2 emissions by 2030

% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2030 *

% of electricity from renewable energy sources since 2020

* compared to the base year 2018

In its climate strategy, the company is guided by the requirements of the Science Based Targets initiative. These scientifically sound requirements define the extent to which a company needs to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions – and the time frame in which it needs to do so – in order to limit global warming. The Vaillant Group offsets its CO2 emissions within its own area of business responsibility (Scopes 1 and 2) .

The Vaillant Group’s Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions are determined annually on the basis of energy consumption (fuels, gas, electricity and district heating) in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol .

Vaillant Group
Vaillant Group

Our measures at a glance

Reduction of our CO2 emissions

Vaillant Group
Vaillant Group

A major factor in terms of reducing CO2 emissions is electricity from renewable energy sources. The company’s plants and branches in Germany have been running completely on green power since 2017, with the plants in the French city of Nantes and the British town of Belper following suit in 2018. Since 2020, all Vaillant Group sites have been using electricity from renewable energy sources.

Vaillant Group
Vaillant Group

A second key factor is reduced energy consumption within the production processes and buildings of the Vaillant Group. Efficiency measures in production and within buildings are designed to help lower gas consumption at the Vaillant Group and thus significantly reduce the associated CO2 emissions.

Vaillant Group
Vaillant Group

A third factor is the vehicle fleet. It is intended that its emissions will fall considerably by 2030 – thanks to a gradual switch to more economical vehicles and, wherever possible, electric vehicles. The plan is for electric cars to account for at least 25 to 30 per cent of the Vaillant Group vehicle fleet by 2030.

Offsetting through afforestation

Vaillant Group
Vaillant Group

In the long term, the Vaillant Group will offset the remaining CO2 emissions by means of its own afforestation projects. Forests are able to capture the climate-damaging greenhouse gas CO2.

As part of long-term projects, the Vaillant Group will plant areas of forest in emerging countries. The company is a partner in new landscape and afforestation projects in Costa Rica. Until these planned new areas of forest capture all the company’s emissions remaining after the reduction measures, the Vaillant Group will continue to purchase CO2 certificates from the existing Gold Standard-certified Tropical Mix afforestation project in Panama.

Our partners: SOS Children's Villages and WWF

The Vaillant Group is aware of its special responsibility towards the environment, employees and society. We are therefore committed to a socially just and sustainable society in partnerships with the “SOS Children’s Villages worldwide” and WWF.

Green credibility: emissions accounting in accordance with international standards

The Vaillant Group has been calculating its carbon footprint since 2018 in order to gain a valid data set and understand how many greenhouse gas emissions are caused by specific activities. The provisions of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol – a globally recognised standard for the determination and accounting of greenhouse gas emissions – are decisive in this regard.

The Vaillant Group’s own reported CO2 emissions comprise greenhouse gases that occur through the use of gas and electricity in production, at our administrative locations and through the usage of vehicles.

In the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, these emissions fall within Scope 1 and Scope 2. In accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, the Vaillant Group factors in all other relevant greenhouse gases under the Kyoto Protocol alongside CO2. Emissions of these gases are converted into so-called CO2 equivalents and included in the calculation of the Vaillant Group’s carbon footprint.

Shared responsibility for emissions

In addition to those emissions for which the company bears sole responsibility, there are some over which the company has only indirect influence. They are classified as Scope 3 emissions and are caused in the upstream or downstream value chain. The Vaillant Group shares responsibility for these greenhouse gases with suppliers, employees and customers. These include emissions from purchased goods and services and those that are generated in connection with transport, business travel or commuting to work. In particular, they also include emissions that are caused by the use of Vaillant Group products. The extent of the emissions generated during the operation of a heating system depends on the energy source, the energy standard of the building concerned and personal heating habits. With highly efficient products and state-of-the-art control technology, the Vaillant Group enables its customers to save energy and CO2 emissions.

Human rights policy statement

Our aim is to ensure respect for human rights within our company, work towards compliance across our global supply and value chains within our scope of influence, achieve transparency in respect of potential risks and take action wherever human rights have been breached. The Vaillant Group human rights policy statement is binding on all employees and its subsidiaries.

News & stories

You can read more from our News & stories section on the subject of sustainability here.
