Vaillant Group
Vaillant Group


Compliance and values – a secure foundation

Compliance with laws, guidelines and internal rules is one of the foundations of the Vaillant Group’s business activities. We retain the trust of our customers and suppliers with responsible, reliable and respectful behaviour.

In our daily work, we rely on each other, make responsible decisions and comply with legal provisions and internal regulations. Any violation of the law is also a violation of our values and will not be tolerated.

The Vaillant Group has implemented a compliance management system (CMS) in the areas antitrust, anti-corruption, data protection, Foreign trade laws & Sanctions and anti-money laundering, which is being continuously developed.

The CMS has been certified for the main companies in Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Spain and Turkey in the areas of anti-corruption and antitrust law according to the leading compliance standard IDW PS 980.

Vaillant Group
Vaillant Group

We protect our shared values

We have implemented a compliance management system to protect our shared values. It is based on our values and contributes to the success of the Vaillant Group. An essential element of the compliance management system is the Code of Conduct.. It is mandatory for everyone at the Vaillant Group – for employees, managers and the Management Board. In it, we commit ourselves to complying with internal and external rules.

The Code of Conduct provides all employees of the Vaillant Group with a secure framework for action. It creates mutual trust, averts possible financial damages and secures the reputation of the company.

Vaillant Group
Vaillant Group

Social responsibility

Protection of human and workers’ rights
As a globally active company, we have borne social responsibility for generations and respect the applicable regulations for the protection of human and workers’ rights. The Vaillant Group has been a member of the United Nations Global Compact since 2011. It is committed to adhering to the Ten Principles of the Global Compact, which aim to achieve a more sustainable economy for the benefit of all people.

Human rights policy statement
Our aim is to ensure respect for human rights within our company, work towards compliance across our global supply and value chains within our scope of influence, achieve transparency in respect of potential risks and take action wherever human rights have been breached. The Vaillant Group human rights policy statement is binding on all employees and its subsidiaries.

Corporate social responsibility
The Vaillant Group sees itself as a good “corporate citizen”: as a family business, we make a positive contribution to social progress and the well-being of the people in the countries in which we operate. Among other things, we support family, educational and social institutions. The long-standing cooperation with “SOS Children’s Villages worldwide” is particularly close to our hearts.

Product safety and quality
We continuously work on improving our products, services and processes in terms of product safety and quality, from development to recycling. Always with the aim of offering our customers high-quality and safe solutions.

Environmental protection
The Vaillant Group takes responsibility for the environment and is actively committed to climate and environmental protection. As a provider of highly efficient heating, ventilation and air-conditioning technology, we want to help achieve international climate targets with energy-saving and intelligent products and services.

Vaillant Group
Vaillant Group

Behaviour towards colleagues

Health and safety at work
Healthy employees are an essential prerequisite for the economic success of the Vaillant Group. We actively involve our employees in the design of our occupational health and safety.

Equal opportunities and respectful interaction
We treat each other fairly and respectfully. We assess all employees and applicants exclusively on their qualifications, ability, suitability and attitude – as well as on the extent to which they share our values. The Vaillant Group does not tolerate discrimination based on characteristics such as gender, age, background, religion, sexual orientation or political beliefs.

Vaillant Group
Vaillant Group

Handling of information and company resources

We treat confidential information, in particular intellectual property and trade and business secrets, with the utmost care and protect it accordingly. Sustainable use of corporate resources is a matter of course for us.

Vaillant Group
Vaillant Group

Behaviour within the business context

Antitrust law
We always act in accordance with applicable laws and are committed to fair competition. Internal guidelines ensure that we comply with competition law regulations in our daily actions and thus contribute to fair competition.

The Vaillant Group is opposed to all forms of corruption and violations of the law. Corruption can occur in active (granting of an advantage) or passive (acceptance of an advantage) form. When granting and accepting gifts and benefits, it is important to adhere to binding principles. Through internal guidelines we ensure that only permissible gifts and benefits are granted or accepted. In addition, we always act transparently and avoid conflicts of interest eventually to the benefit of the Vaillant Group and its customers and business partners.

Data protection
We handle personal data carefully and responsibly. We collect and use the personal data of our employees, customers and business partners exclusively in accordance with the law. The legal requirements are implemented in internal processes and internal rules for the handling of personal data are defined on the basis of the Data Protection Manual and the Group Directive Data Protection.

Foreign trade laws & Sanctions
We are a company acting globally and we observe, consider and comply with all foreign trade laws and sanctions.
Within our business activities we consider embargoes against countries, against individuals and entities as well as export related product restrictions.
Internal guidelines and tools support us to ensure this. As a result, we avoid violations and prevent sanctions circumventions.

The Vaillant Group take all necessary measures to minimise money laundering risks as part of our business activities. The legal requirements are implemented in internal processes on the basis of the Group Directive Anti-Money-Laundering.

The Vaillant Group whistle-blowing system

Vaillant Group
Vaillant Group

Trust and integrity are of the utmost importance to the Vaillant Group. If our employees, business partners, customers or other third parties are aware of violations of applicable law (including, for example, breaches related to antitrust, corruption, data protection, fraud, anti-money laundering, product safety, environmental and human/labor rights matters), the Code of Conduct or internal guidelines and specifications they can use our digital whistleblowing system BKMS. The Vaillant Group’s web-based whistleblowing system is certified according to European data protection law and ensures secure data transmission. This means that you can report misconducts, also anonymously if you wish, at any time.

No sanctions will be imposed against persons who report in good faith. Reports and whistleblowers are treated with confidentiality.
