Vaillant Group
Vaillant Group


Our technologies at a glance

Taking care of a better climate. To that end, the Vaillant Group develops energy-efficient and environmentally friendly products for heating, cooling and hot-water supply. They are the key to a successful energy transition in the buildings sector.

The focus of the Vaillant Group is on heat pumps that can cover up to 75 per cent of energy demand with freely available environmental heat. On efficient gas-condensing boiler technology, which also uses the heat energy contained in the flue gas. And on hybrid systems that intelligently combine different technologies and use energy efficiently. The Vaillant Group also offers installers, end customers and housing associations additional benefits with its digital services.

These technologies are being developed at eight sites in Europe and China. The heart of heating-technology development and thus the decarbonisation of the buildings sector beats in the Johann Vaillant Technology Center, the new Vaillant Group research and development centre.

Vaillant Group
Vaillant Group

Heat pumps

Heating with heat pumps is particularly efficient and environmentally friendly. They use the freely available environmental heat from air, water and earth. Only a quarter of the energy required is provided by electricity. If they are run on green electricity, heat pumps can even be completely emission-free.

Vaillant Group
Vaillant Group

Gas-condensing boiler technology

Gas-fired condensing boilers are proven and efficient heating systems. The use of “green gases” such as hydrogen or biomethane produced in a CO2-neutral way makes the technology even more climate-friendly. Moreover, gas-fired condensing boilers can be combined with technologies based on renewable energies to form hybrid systems.

Vaillant Group
Vaillant Group

Hybrid heating systems

A hybrid heating system is one that combines at least two different heating technologies – mostly those that are powered by renewable energies and/or fossil fuels. In this way, system owners reduce CO2 emissions and energy costs.

Vaillant Group
Vaillant Group

Digital solutions

The Vaillant Group develops digital services for system owners and installing partners, as well as housing associations and property companies. From control of the heating via app, contactless remote monitoring and device diagnostics to management solutions for a larger number of heating systems.

Vaillant Group
Vaillant Group

Innovative strength

The Johann Vaillant Technology Center is the most modern and advanced research and development centre in the heating-technology sector. Each piece of product technology undergoes more than 100 different functional and accelerated life tests there.

News & stories

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