Simple approach to supplying apartment buildings with PV electricity from their own roof
Profitable solution for tenants, landlords and investors
Electricity prices stay low; returns are high
Vaillant presents a proposal for realising landlord-to-tenant electricity projects in the housing industry for the first time at the ISH 2019 in Frankfurt am Main. The proposal allows apartment building owners and their tenants to benefit from the many advantages offered by a photovoltaic system (PV system) installed on the building. In the past, these types of projects struggled to get off the ground due to administrative hurdles as, from a legal perspective, the landlord is viewed as an energy provider if they supply electricity to tenants. Together with landlord-to-tenant electricity specialist prosumergy, Vaillant is countering this problem with its new landlord-to-tenant electricity service.
Once a PV system is installed, prosumergy will take care of planning and energy management on behalf of the landlord. In doing so, prosumergy will be seen as the sole electricity supplier, providing tenants with photovoltaic electricity from their own roof and green electricity from the grid. Tenants can therefore reap the rewards of electricity prices that stay low. No second electricity contract with another electricity supplier is required. On request, prosumergy will also install its own digital electricity meter infrastructure in the building that can be read remotely. Electricity can then be billed with utmost precision without the need for tedious manual meter readings, even when there’s a change of tenant. This makes it much more convenient for tenants, landlords and property managers alike.
The building owners can either lease their roof space or invest in the PV system themselves. Investors in the project have the option to lease out the system or sell the solar power. This promises attractive returns that go beyond the alternative feed-in compensation. If landlords and housing associations install PV systems, resulting in an increased building standard in accordance with the German Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV), they will be eligible to benefit from KfW (German Reconstruction Loan Corporation) loans at reduced rates of interest.
“Home builders and apartment building owners can generate new revenue with the landlord-to-tenant electricity model while tenants benefit from low electricity prices. There is nothing like this in the market,” says Sebastian Albert, Head of Product and Service Management at Vaillant Germany. All projects are realised based on a carefully planned PV system as well as a simulation of the power usage profile and a substantiated assessment of the project’s profitability. An indication of overall savings potential for the tenants rounds off the overall package.
Vaillant installers can count on Greenergetic to help them plan and design the PV system. Together with cooperation partner Greenergetic, Vaillant is offering its installers a new full service to help plan, install and commission photovoltaic and battery storage systems. This allows Vaillant installers to profit from the photovoltaic market without having to invest in new staff or additional electrotechnical know-how themselves.
About Vaillant
The Vaillant Group is an internationally active company based in Remscheid, Germany, which operates in the fields of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning technology. As one of the global market and technology leaders, the Vaillant Group develops and manufactures customised products, systems and services to provide a comfortable living environment. Its product portfolio ranges from efficient heating devices based on conventional energy sources to system solutions for using renewable energy. In the financial year 2020, the company, which has been family-owned since its foundation in 1874, generated sales of more than €2.7 billion with its workforce of about 15,000.
Jens Wichtermann
Group Director Communication, Sustainability & Government Relations
Phone: +49 2191 18 2754
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