Vaillant Group
Hof Bockum is special in many ways. For example, it is rare to see children in this SOS Children’s Village, because a good hundred adults with an intellectual impairment live and work here. Wolfgang Glauser and his team do not see them as employees of a workshop for people with disabilities – they are colleagues. The whole establishment is operated on this equal footing. There are committees such as the workshop council and women’s representatives, to whom residents can voice their concerns and be heard. The staff at Hof Bockum accompany them on their path to social and professional participation. The special principle of house communities is applied here. “House parents” live together with the residents. One of the parents is entrusted with the pedagogical care within the house community, while the other works together with the residents in one of the various work areas. There are many of these to suit the individual needs and preferences of the residents. The produce from the farm, plant nursery and cheese dairy meets BIOLAND standards. Hof Bockum provides about 100 people with on-site employment and external work at businesses in the region.
Participation and self-determination
Wolfgang Glauser is very satisfied with the working conditions at Hof Bockum: “We benefit from the fact that we are part of SOS Children’s Villages. And from cooperations such as the one with the Vaillant Group, for example. Of course, this organisation and the support provide space and opportunities – and that makes the working conditions much better.” Work Manager Michael Grebe agrees and adds: “The right to participation and self-determination is very important to us. We are developing a wide range of offers to make this possible. Together, we are shaping the development processes and supporting independent action wherever possible, or otherwise offering the necessary assistance. The careers guidance phase can last one to two years, and the residents can still change direction at a later stage.”
A special area of work at Hof Bockum is taking care of the 40 dairy cows, says Wolfgang Glauser: “Looking after a living being so that it stays healthy and building a relationship with it is a good experience for a lot of people.” The team looks after the livestock, grows and handles the feed and makes sure that the animals have enough straw and hay. The employees process grass into animal feed and milk into cheese.
Anchored in the region
The products and services from Hof Bockum are appreciated and in demand in the local area. The milk from Hof Bockum has even received an award as the “best milk in the region”. The institution is firmly anchored in the region, and everyone knows everyone. The farm is open to local people and invites them to visit. The farm products are available 365 days a year from a “Regiomat” – a vending machine selling regional products. Two days a week, the residents of Hof Bockum sell dairy products and vegetables. On the day of the harvest festival, they decorate the church in Amelinghausen – and when the regional heather blossom festival is celebrated, all the residents of Bockum join the parade. “For us, participation and inclusion doesn’t necessarily mean we have to head out into the wider world. It can also mean bringing the external environment closer to us. At our annual festival at the end of June, that means welcoming up to 3,000 guests,” says Wolfgang Glauser.