Vaillant Group
Vaillant Group

Becoming a heat pump expert one click at a time


  • Digitalisation
  • Technologies

The VAILLANT ACADEMY prepares HVAC professionals worldwide for heat pump installation

Heat pumps are the key to decarbonising the building sector. This requires installers to have comprehensive expertise. In addition to the wide range of on-site courses, the Vaillant Academy provides a broad digital training programme.

This is because tens of thousands of heating technicians need to receive training in a matter of months. As this cannot be achieved in classroom training per se, digital solutions can help.

Comprehensive digital learning platform

With the Vaillant Academy, the Vaillant Group has created a comprehensive digital learning environment that is customised to the training needs of installers. The training programmes are available in all countries in which Vaillant is active. Brand-specific online academies are currently being rolled out locally. Each of the Vaillant Group brands have their own customised learning platforms, such as the Vaillant Academy, the Glow-worm Academy or the Saunier Duval Academy.

he training programme includes short videos, for example with installation instructions and technical explanations, as well as flashcards and web-based applications, such as for the correct configuration of a heat pump system. Installers can also register on the platforms for detailed, more in-depth online seminars or for presence seminars at a local training centre.

Vaillant Group
Vaillant Group

The online learning platform is already available in 15 languages in 2023.

British installers appreciate the approach to learning

The Vaillant Academy and the Glow-worm Academy went online in the UK back in April 2022. The country has big plans. By 2028, 600,000 heat pumps are to be installed, around ten times as many as today. Starting in 2025, a ban on the installation of gas heating systems in new residential buildings is planned. This situation has led to a noticeable increase in interest in heat pump training among HVAC installers. By the end of October 2023, the Vaillant Academy had already attracted 11,000 users.

British installers have given the Academy a lot of positive feedback. From the users' point of view, the hybrid form of learning, which is accessible at any time, can be easily incorporated into everyday work. The installers appreciate this type of learning and are pleased that they no longer lose an entire work day to training.

Keen interest also in Belgium and Germany

The new platform generated considerable interest in Belgium too. Although it was not yet fully established and only a few installers knew about it, over a hundred of them visited the Academy in the first two days after the technical launch. To date (October 2023), 4,000 learners have used the two Belgian online academies (Vaillant and Bulex).

The Vaillant Academy is similarly successful and accepted in Germany, where it has been online since May 2022. A master heating engineer attested that even an old heat pump expert like him would find a lot of useful additional information and explanations about the technology on the platform. Here, too, the number of visits quickly grew into the five-digit range. By the end of October 2023, Vaillant had 31,000 users on the German academy website.

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